

Thank you for considering giving. There are numerous ways to give to Parkcrest. Your generous support enables us to do ministry in our community and around the world!

Annual Review

Dear Parkcrest Family,

It is with great joy and gratitude that I get to celebrate with you all the incredible things God did in and through our church in my first year as your pastor. 2024 will go down in history as the year we began to dream great dreams that laid the foundation for the next great wave of Parkcrest Church, and it was only possible because of you!

Because of you ...165 people made the decision to follow Jesus...Parkcrest Youth doubled in size, sent 50 students to Camp, and baptized 18 ...Parkcrest Preschool hit a record year with over half the enrollment coming from the community ...we launched an all-new College & Young Adult Ministry ...Parkcrest Kids served over 100 new families, dedicated 25 children, and baptized 7 ...150 went on mission both locally and around the world ...$140k was donated to community partners around the world ...and my personal favorite, Because of you, Parkcrest baptized 58 people into God’s family!

These aren’t just numbers! Behind each stat is a story of hope, faith, and love. Behind each number is a life touched and transformed by the good news of Jesus Christ! It’s a testament to your faithfulness and commitment of spreading the love and hope of Jesus throughout Long Beach and the world.

On behalf of our entire leadership team, I want to thank you for your sacrificial generosity! Thank you to the 437 households that gave generously to our vision. Thank you to the 298 people that generously serve in one of our various ministry teams. Thank you to the 348 people committed to doing ‘life with’ in one of our 40 community groups.

You are the heartbeat of this church, and together, we will continue to see God do immeasurably more in and through our church!

Pastor Anthony Miller


Here are some easy ways to support our church.

Give Online

Visit the Secure Give website or download the mobile app.

Text To Give
Text To Give

Text the amount you’d like to donate to 562.203.3363.

Give In Person
Give In Person

Drop your cash or check donation in the offering box before or after Sunday services.

Mail A Check
Mail A Check

Mail a check to:

3936 Woodruff Avenue
Long Beach, CA 90808

Make checks payable to Parkcrest Christian Church. For your convenience, envelopes are available at the information table on Sunday mornings.