Missions Fair: Serve Our City

August 20, 2023 9:00am - 12:30pm  |  Front Patio

At the Missions Fair, you’ll meet some of our ministry partners, discover what Parkcrest is doing outside the walls of the church, and learn how you can serve in our local and global community. We’ll also be serving tacos to all who participate!

In the weeks following the fair, we’ll have five opportunities for you to go out and Serve Our City.

Click here to sign up for any of the opportunities below.

  • Serve Our City: Habitat For Humanity (Aug. 26)
  • Serve Our City: Centro Shalom (Sept. 2-4)
  • Serve Our City: Campus Serve Event (Sept. 9)
  • Serve Our City: 30-Minute Beach Cleanup (Sept. 16)
  • Serve Our City: Love Our City (Sept. 23)