New Hope For The Holidays

December 8, 2022 7:00 - 9:00pm  |  The Center

For those who have experienced a death of a loved one, the holidays can heighten feelings of anxiety, sadness, longing, loneliness, guilt, and even anger. Activities that are meant to bring families together can be strained and difficult, but there are ways to cope with these challenges and make the time enjoyable.
This community event will help you pay attention to what matters in the holiday season. Attendees will learn specific strategies for managing the activities and emotions that come along during this time of year. If you or someone you know is struggling with grief, we invite you to join the support of others who are going through the same thing. Space is limited. Click on the button below to register for the event.
We need volunteers to bring baked goods to serve the 200+ people expected, plus a handful of volunteers to host the event by serving coffee and treats, working the parking lot, and helping clean up. Click on the button below to sign-up to serve.